Saturday, July 11, 2009

I missed UFC 100, my body came to a halt

I missed UFC 100, sadly. I was too sleepy an hour before the game, therefore I was not able to watch it live.

But to my amazement, there were UFC 100 replay video download available on the Internet. I quickly grabbed one and woot, I am watching it now!

Programming Training Blues

Yesterday, I had a very productive yet haggard night. It was the first time that our training ended by 9:30pm.

To reward myself, I decided to go to Technohub right after the training. I ate at Kentucky Fried Chicken, then played at the nearby arcade. After playing DDR at the arcade, I was too thirsty so I decided to kill time at Starbucks.

And now, I'm home. I'd love to sleep but I don't want to miss the UFC 100 fight video. It's the 100th UFC, obviously.

Waaaaaaa, I hate being a night person. I can't watch UFC live in here!

Trying out Linux Mint 7

I was trying out Linux Mint 7 and it was better than the previous one. The first Linux Mint I've tried was Elyssa. My sister kept on asking who Elyssa was 'cause the name Elyssa appeared on the menu bar.

While tinkering with it, I remember that tonight will be the 100th UFC. I should stay awake to Watch UFC 100 online live stream thru our newly-connected faster-than-ever broadband.

Woot. I hope download speeds won't stall during the game.

I'll try to watch the UFC 100 Fight Video using Linux Mint 7.